-Confucianism does not believe in any supreme ruler or God, as its focus is mainly on the improvement of humanity by our own abilities. Christianity, however, does believe in a holy God who rules over and created everything.
2. What is the nature of the world?
-Humans are seen as a mixture of good and evil, and depending on the individual’s actions, one can outbalance the other. In Christianity, humans are all born in sin.
3. Where do I fit in the universe?
-The role of humans in Confucianism is to seek knowledge, study, and become a better person. In order to accomplish this, one must learn proper behaviour and morals. Self improvement will eventually lead to the overall improvement of society. The Christian view is that man was put on earth to take care of the creation and to praise God.
4. What is the problem with humanity? The solution?
-Society is unbalanced and unstable. People give into their instincts and have no self-restraint. They are uneducated about morals and virtues and behave improperly. The solution is to promote a unified society based on good conduct and values, through education. With Christianity, the problem is sin. Ever since the Fall, people continue to make wrong choices and go against God’s laws. The solution is to ask Him for forgiveness and follow his instructions, and find redemption through Christ.
5. What happens after death?
-Confucianism does not believe in anything after death, as they are mainly concerned with improving their lives. Confucius once said, "We haven't yet finished studying life to delve into the question of death." Christianity teaches that depending on whether you accept Jesus as Saviour, you will spend an eternity in heaven or hell.
(picture: scene depicting filial piety)
Christianity does NOT teach of how you live your life depends where you will go after you die. Salvation is not received through the bad or good works you do on earth. You receive salvation from eternal death and suffering(hell), when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and confess your sins. That is what is so amazing about Christianity, God gives the free gift of salvation! But if you are talking about works, when you accept Jesus, you will be enlightened and excited so that you will want to serve him, which in a way is good works, but that does not have anything to do with salvation. here are some verses to consider. Romans 3:22,Romans 8:3-4,and Ephesians 2:8-9. :)